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Table 2 Analysis of NUCKS immunostaining in invasive breast carcinomas

From: NUCKS overexpression in breast cancer

Overall NUCKS immuno-


IDC, ILC, grade I

(n = 9)*

IDC, ILC, grade II

(n = 41)**

IDC, grade III

(n = 8)

Negative (0)

3 (33.5%)

4 (10%)

2 (25%)


3 (33.5%)

9 (22%)

5 (62,5%)


2 (22%)

12 (29%)

1 (12,5%)


1 (11%)

16 (39%)


Low expression (0/+1)

6 (67%)

13 (32%)

7 (87,5%)

High expression (+2/+3)

3 (33%)

28 (68%)

1 (12,5%)

  1. * The 9 cases of grade I consisted of 8 IDC and 1 ILC
  2. * The 41 cases of grade II consisted of 35 IDC and 6 ILC