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Table 1 Pathological scoring criteria of HE staining in mouse colon

From: Effect of TLR2 on the proliferation of inflammation-related colorectal cancer and sporadic colorectal cancer


Inflammation severity

Tumor pathological

Pattern of leukocyte infiltration

Degree of leukocyte infiltration

Number of infiltrated leukocytes

Classification of lesion severity

Histological typing

1 point

Increased lymphoid aggregation

Infiltration confined to the mucosa

Small amount

Intraepithelial neoplasia (nuclear floating does not exceed 3/4 of the total epithelial height)

Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma (> 95% duct formation)

2 point

Cryptitis (neutrophils in the intestinal crypt epithelium)

Infiltration in the submucosa


Intramucosal carcinoma (disrupted gland structures, with a shared gland wall and a sieve-like structure, without penetrating the mucosal muscle layer)

Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma (50–95% duct formation)

3 point

Crypt abscess (neutrophils accumulate in the crypt cavity, sometimes showing crypt rupture)/

Infiltration of the whole layer


Tubular adenocarcinoma (tumor cells penetrating the mucosal muscle layer)

Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (0-49% duct formation)

4 point


Undifferentiated carcinoma