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Fig.1 | Cancer Cell International


From: Suppression of TCAB1 expression induced cellular senescence by lessening proteasomal degradation of p21 in cancer cells


RNA interference of TCAB1 induced cellular senescence in HeLa cells. a Lentivirus of shTCAB1 or shCon transformed HeLa cells were prepared by lentiviral infections. The efficiency of lentivirus infection was observed by fluorescence microscope. b Cellular senescence was assayed by senescence-associated (SA)-β-gal staining (arrows pointing to cells with representative senescent phenotype). c Quantification from B for SA-β-gal positive cells in percentages (n = 8). d The protein levels of TCAB1 and p21 were determined by Western blotting and compared to those in the control cells. e The mRNA expression levels of TCAB1 and p21 were measured by qRT-PCR analysis (n = 3). f The RT-PCR products of TCAB1 and p21 detected by agarose electrophoresis

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