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Table 1 Characterization of cancer stem cells

From: NK cell upraise in the dark world of cancer stem cells




Isolation and identification of CSCs

Side population detection

Sorting based on Hoechst dye efflux

Cell surface markers detection

Sorting based on cell surface marker expression

Culture of non-adherent

Sphere culture

Properties and characterization of CSCs

Tumorgenicity assay

Implantation of a single CSC for generating the entire tumor in a mouse model


Serial transplantation (single cell)

The low numbers of CSCs isolated from any generation of tumor should be able to give rise to a subsequent tumor in vivo

In vitro renewal

Measuring the ability to form colonies through multiple generations in vitro

Establishment of tumor heterogeneity

Determination of CSC-derived tumor heterogeneity by flowcytometry (surface markers) or immunohistochemistry

  1. aThe surface markers used based on tumor differentiation to identify CSCs are depicted in Table 2