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Table 3 Immunohistochemically detected MLL2 expression in human breast tissue (n = 96)

From: Epigenetic regulator MLL2 shows altered expression in cancer cell lines and tumors from human breast and colon


Nuclear MLL2 staining

Cytoplasmic MLL2 staining

Positive staining

43/96 (45%)

96/96 (100%)

Tumor vs. Benign


T < B

17/43 (39%)

1/96 (1%)

T = B

8/43 (19%)

9/96 (9%)

T > B

18/43 (42%)

86/96 (90%)*

  1. Distribution of breast cancer cases based on nuclear and cytoplasmic MLL2 immunostaining in tumor versus benign tissues; *p < 0.05