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Table 2 Statistical analysis of Pearson’s correlations amongst Nrf-2, NFκβ and SULT1E1 in two different diseases conditions in the tumor tissues

From: Breast cancer pathogenesis is linked to the intra-tumoral estrogen sulfotransferase (hSULT1E1) expressions regulated by cellular redox dependent Nrf-2/NFκβ interplay


NFκβ/Gr IV



Nrf-2/Gr II


r = 0.998/p = 0.038


Nrf-2/Gr IV

r = 0.993/p = 0.075


r = 0.997/p = 0.049

NFκβ/Gr IV


r = 0.999/p = 0.025

  1. No correlations were noticed in the surrounding tissues. Protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry and ImageJ software was utilized for their density analysis. Results were analyzed from three independent investigations