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Fig. 7 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 7

From: IMUP and GPRC5A: two newly identified risk score indicators in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Fig. 7

The association between GPRC5A, IMUP expression and PAAD clinical parameters. A Relative GPRC5A expression in PAAD versus normal pancreatic tissues. And the association between GPRC5A expression and PAAD B patients age, C gender, D cancer grade, E TP53 gene mutation, F cancer stage, G patients drinking habit, H chronic pancreatitis history and I lymph node metastasis. J Relative IMUP expression in PAAD versus normal pancreatic tissues. And the association between IMUP expression and PAAD K patients age, L gender, M cancer grade, N TP53 gene mutation, O cancer stage, P patients drinking habit, Q chronic pancreatitis history and R lymph node metastasis. (* p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The first layer * which is right above the error bar representing comparison to normal group, and the above layers * which were above a secondary line represent the comparison between corresponding groups that were covered by the line)

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