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Table 2 Interaction between ncRNAs and Shh pathway based on studies in animal models

From: Emerging role of non-coding RNAs in the regulation of Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway

Tumor/disease type or cellular mechanisms

Animal models



Acute myocardial infarction

6–8-week-old male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (Rat MI Model)

∆ miR-802-5p: ↓ apoptosis after MI via activating Shh signaling pathway via targeting PTCH1, thus decreasing myocardial injury and improving heart function



DP sphere xenograft to nude mice

↑↑ XIST: ↑ DP mediated hair follicle regeneration via targeting miR-424 to promote Shh expression, thus activating hedgehog signaling


Breast cancer

5 weeks‐old athymic nude mice

∆ lncRNA‐Hh: ↓ tumor growth


Breast cancer brain metastasis

6-week-old female BALB/c nu/nu mice

∆ circBCBM1: ↓ tumor volumes and weights


Cerebrovascular disease

rat cerebral ischemic injury model

miR-153 expression was decreases

↑↑ miR-153: ↓ PTC expression and ↑ activation of Shh signaling pathway and angiogenesis


Cervical cancer

4-week-old SPF female BALB/c nude mice

↑↑ microRNA: ↓ tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis via targeting ZIC2 and downregulating the Hedgehog signaling pathway


Diabetes mellitus

Sprague–Dawley male rats

miR-9 and miR-29a: ↓ activation of SHH signaling pathway via ISL1, nociception threshold and peripheral nerve conduction velocity

miR-9 and miR-29a rise AR activity and disease activity by reducing ISL1


Glioblastoma multiforme

5-week–old female BALB/c-nude mice

↑↑ miR-326 combined with curcumin treatment: ↓ tumor growth


Hepatocellular carcinoma

4-week-old male athymic BALB/c nu/nu mice

↑↑ TUG1: ↓ tumor growth via targeting miR-132


Inflammatory bowel disease

C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and iNOS − / − mice

NOD2-iNOS/NO-miR-146a-mediated SHH Signaling is necessary for inflammatory responses


Liver regeneration

carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-treated rats transplanted with human CP-MSCs (Tx) or saline (non-Tx)

↑↑ miR-125b from CP-MSCs: ↓ activation of Hh signaling, thus ↑ the reduced fibrosis


Lung cancer

6-week-old female BALB/C nude mice

∆ BLACAT1: ↓ tumor growth and metastasis


4-week-old BALB/c nude female mice

∆ LINC01426: ↓ tumor size, volume, and weight


Lung fibrosis

6-week-old female C57BL/6 mice

↑↑ miR-193a: ↑ autophagy and ↓ PQ-induced pulmonary fibrosis

Ligustrazin: ↑ autophagy and ↓ paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis



Ptch1 ± mice, C57BL/6 and PtenFloxp/Floxp mice, GFAP-Cre mice

The effects of miR-18396182 to maintain cell proliferation depends on hedgehog signaling activation


Athymic nude mice

↑↑ Nkx2-2as: ↓ tumor growth

Gli2/FoxD1/Nkx2-2as axis was found to be involved in the pathogenesis of Shh-subtype MB



17-day-old chick embryos

↑↑ CDON: ↓ tumor size


Osteonecrosis of the femoral head

a rat model of GC-induced ONFH

↑↑ miR-378-ASCs-Exos: ↑ osteogenesis via targeting Sufu to increase the Shh signaling pathway



Wistar female rats

Levels of SUFU were upregulated bet levels of miR-874, Shh, Ptch, Smo, BMP2, Runx2, and PCNA were downregulated

↑↑ miR-874: ↑ proliferation and differentiation of via targeting SUFU and activating of Hedgehog signaling pathway


Parkinson's disease

male specific pathogen-free C57BL/6 mice

↑↑ miR-124: ↑ proliferation and ↓ apoptosis by downregulating EDN2 through activating the Hedgehog signaling pathway


The transition of dividing neuroepithelial progenitors to differentiated neurons and glia


∆ miR-219: ↑ growth of primary cilia via elevating Shh signaling


Trigeminal neuralgia

rat model of CCI-IoN

Upregulation of miR-195 and downregulation of Patched1 were seen

↑↑ miR-195: ↑ facial pain development via targeting Patched1 in the Shh signaling pathway


  1. knock-down, deletion, AR aldose reductase, MI myocardial infarction, SPF specific pathogen free, MB Medulloblastoma