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Fig. 2 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 2

From: Specific lncRNA signatures discriminate childhood acute leukaemias: a pilot study

Fig. 2

LncRNA signature in childhood ALL. A Hierarchical clustering output shows lncRNA expression trends in the distinct conditions. Expression values, normalized by row, are indicated with a red (highest expression) to blue (lowest) graded colour. Each cluster comprise the lncRNA signature of a particular condition, one ALL subtype or the healthy counterparts. B Volcano plot illustrating the transcriptome variations between B-ALL and B naïve cells. Each dot corresponds to a gene. Grey dots indicate not significant variations (adjusted p-value > 0.05) and significant variations with a log2(fold change) between 1 and − 1. Red dots highlight the position of interesting lncRNAs reported with text in the figure. C Volcano plot showing the transcriptome variations between T-ALL and T naïve cells. Significance and fold change threshold are reported as in B. Green dots highlight the position of interesting lncRNAs reported with text in the figure. D Volcano plot displaying the transcriptome variations between B-ALL and T-ALL. Significance and fold change threshold are reported as in B. Red dots mark the position of the lncRNAs highlighted in B, green dots mark the ones highlighted in C

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