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Fig. 7 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 7

From: Circulating exosomal microRNAs as potential prognostic biomarkers in gastrointestinal cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Fig. 7

Funnel plot of the publication bias. A the association between overall exomiRs deregulation and OS. B, C the association between up-regulated B and down-regulated C exomiRs and OS. D the association between overall exomiRs deregulation and disease/relapse/progression-free survival (DFS/RFS/PFS). E, F the association between up-regulated E and down-regulated F exomiRs and DFS/RFS/PFS. G–P the association between up-regulated and down-regulated exomiRs and clinicopathological characteristics, including gender G, H, TNM stage I, J, Differentiation K, L, Lymph node metastasis M, N, Distant metastasis O, P, respectively

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