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Fig. 4 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 4

From: NUCB-2/Nesfatin-1 promotes the proliferation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

Fig. 4

Overexpression of NUCB-2 and its promotion on CNE1 cell proliferation. (A) Western blot detection on the effect of NUCB-2 overexpression in different cell clones of CNE1-OE-17, CNE1-OE-18, CNE1-OE-26 and CNE1-OE-28; GAPDH: the internal control of each sample. (B) MTT assay. The x-axis represents the culture time of cells. The y-axis represents the absorbance of the cultured cell at the wavelength of 490 nm. (C) EdU assay. The figure shows the EdU fluorescence of NUCB-2 overexpression in CNE1-OE-28 cells; Blank: untreated CNE1 cells. The lower panel is the histogram of the EdU results with the ImageJ software production, where the y-axis indicates the percentage of labeled cells. (D) Plate clone formation assay. The image display the results of plate clone formation. (E) Histogram of the EdU results with the ImageJ software production, where the y-axis indicates the percentage of the labeled cells. (F) Histogram of the clone number of different CNE1 cell lines. (G) Histogram of the clone area (mm2).The ImageJ software was conducted for statistical analysis. Data are presented as the mean ± standard error. CNE1-NC: negative control, CNE1 cells transfected with the empty vector. *P < 0.05. ns: no statistical difference

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