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Fig. 1 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 1

From: Long intergenic non-coding RNA DIO3OS promotes osteosarcoma metastasis via activation of the TGF-β signaling pathway: a potential diagnostic and immunotherapeutic target for osteosarcoma

Fig. 1

High expression of DIO3OS was a risk factor of overall survival and the validation and expression of DIO3OS in osteosarcoma cell lines. A 465 overlap overall survival risk genes between TARGET datasets and GSE39055. B 374 overlap overall survival protective genes between TARGET datasets and GSE39055. C 1 overlap overall survival risk lincRNAs between TARGET datasets and GSE39055. D 0 overlap overall survival protective lincRNAs between TARGET datasets and GSE39055. E The effect of high DIO3OS expression on the prognosis of osteosarcoma overall survival (OS) is statistically significant in TARGET cohort. F The effect of high DIO3OS expression on the prognosis of osteosarcoma overall survival (OS) is statistically significant in GSE39055. G Time-dependent ROC curves, 1-Year (AUC = 0.572), 3-Year (AUC = 0.606), 5-Year (AUC = 0.634). H Time-dependent ROC curves, 1-Year (AUC = 0.750), 3-Year (AUC = 0.650), 5-Year (AUC = 0.639). I Compared with normal osteoblast, DIO3OS is significantly higher expressed in osteosarcoma. J In the TARGET cohort, DIO3OS high and low expression groups showed significant differential genes between the two groups in the form of a volcano map. K The TARGET data set showed the significant differential genes between the two groups in the form of a heat map. (ns, p > 0.05; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; ****, p < 0.0001)

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