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Fig. 4 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 4

From: Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of the solute carrier family and preliminary exploration of SLC25A29 in lung adenocarcinoma

Fig. 4

Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis identified that SLC25A29 was primarily expressed in endothelial cells. The number of genes that could be detected in all cells (A), the transcript of each gene (B), the percentage of mitochondrial genes (C), and the percentage of erythrocyte genes (D) in the samples before quality control. After quality control and data filtering, correlation analysis was conducted between sequencing depth and percentage of mitochondrial genes (E), and between sequencing depth and detected genes (F), and Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.08 and 0.92, respectively. (G) Volcano map of genes that were differentially expressed between cells. 2000 genes marked with the red dots had high variation and 4612 genes marked with the black dots had low variation. (H) The scree plot identified the top 10 PCs recommended for inclusion in subsequent analysis. (I) and (J) The harmony algorithm removes batch effects between samples. (K) The dot plot showed the top 20 significantly related genes in each harmony. (L) Combining the results of singleR auto-annotation and manual annotation based on marker genes (N), all cells were classified into nine broad categories. (M) SLC25A29 was mainly expressed in endothelial

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