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Fig. 3 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 3

From: The role of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in cancer progression

Fig. 3

Key splicing factors that modulate cancer progression. Splicing factors play a crucial role in influencing cancer progression by modulating the process of alternative splicing. Several key splicing factors have been reported to significantly affect cancer progression. These factors include RBM4, NOVA, SF3B1, SF3B4, SRSF3 and PTB. Their specific roles involve regulating alternative splicing events in target gene pre-mRNAs that are associated with cancer progression. The intricate involvement of these splicing factors in alternative splicing contributes to the dynamic control of cellular processes related to cancer progression. Intracellular processes that are enhanced (red up arrows) or attenuated (blue down arrows) by these splicing factors are indicated, and the target genes involved are indicated

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