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Fig. 3 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 3

From: ALKBH5-mediated CHAC1 depletion promotes malignant progression and decreases cisplatin-induced oxidative stress in gastric cancer

Fig. 3

In vitro, ALKBH5 further stimulates the malignant progression of gastric cancer. (A) Subcutaneous implantation of ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells (n = 6) in GC mouse tumor. Two sequences were used in this experiment. (B) Comparison of tumor weight between GC mice implanted with ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells. (C) Comparison of tumor growth volume between GC mice implanted with ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells. (D) Sections of subcutaneous transplanted tumors from nude mice transfected with ALKBH5 knockdown were stained with HE (top), immunohistochemical staining (middle) (scale bar = 100 μm), and detected with antibodies against Ki67 and ALKBH5 (middle panel) Tunel Apoptosis Assay Kit (bottom panel). (E) Mice footpad implanted with ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells (n = 6) in GC mice (red arrow: mouse footpad tumor in situ; blue arrow: mouse popliteal metastatic lymph node swelling). (F) Mice with foot pad lymphatic metastasis model in vivo fluorescence imaging system. (G) Metastatic lymph nodes of nude mice transfected with ALKBH5 knockdown were sectioned and stained with HE (Upscale bar = 100 μm; Down: scale bar = 40 μm) for comparison of lymph node metastasis rate, and representative images were selected for each group. (H) Comparison of lung weights divided mice weights of GC mice implanted with ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells. (I) Representative images of lungs from GC mice with tail vein injection of ALKBH5 knockdown and control MGC-803 cells (n = 6; left). Lung sections of nude mice transfected with ALKBH5 knockdown were stained with HE (left panel: scale bar = 2.5 mm; right panel: scale bar = 625 μm) to compare the rate of bloodstream metastasis of gastric cancer, and representative images of lungs were selected for each group (right). Data are expressed as mean ± SD. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and p < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA; t-test). shA5-1, shALKBH5-1; sh A5-2, sh ALKBH5-2; shNC, negative control shRNA. all in vivo assays were repeated 3 times biologically

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