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Table 2 Morphological features and known triggers of autophagy dependent cell death, pyroptosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis and cuproptosis

From: Melanoma biology and treatment: a review of novel regulated cell death-based approaches

Cell death

Autophagy dependent cell death





Features or triggers


Morphological features

Formation of intracellular vesicles

Cell swelling; rupture of plasma membrane; moderate chromatin condensation

Rupture of plasma membrane; pore formation

Shrinking mitochondria with decreased crista; larger membrane rupture

Not identified


Excess activation of autophagy (a normal catabolic mechanism)

Damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP); pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP), cytosolic lipopolysaccharide, activation of caspase 3/8

Activation of death receptors, Toll-like receptors or cytosolic nucleic acid sensors

ROS accumulation and lipid peroxidation

Copper accumulation

by copper inotropes