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Fig. 6 | Cancer Cell International

Fig. 6

From: Deciphering the prognostic features of bladder cancer through gemcitabine resistance and immune-related gene analysis and identifying potential small molecular drug PIK-75

Fig. 6

Enrichment analysis and correlation analysis between GIRS subtypes based on the TCGA cohort. A Difference in pathway activities scored per patient by GSVA between the high and low GIRS subgroups. Shown were t values from a linear model. B Violin plot illustrated the difference in oncopathways between the high and low GIRS subgroups. C Sankey plot visualized the relationships among the C1/C2 clusters, Lund1 subtypes, GIRS, and survival status. D Butterfly plot illustrated the correlation between the GIRS and metabolic pathways, the enrichment pathways based on GSVA of GO and KEGG terms

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