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Table 1 Various vaccine strategies targeting Survivin as vaccine antigen

From: Survivin: a unique target for tumor therapy

Vaccine design

Key conclusions


Dendritic cell based adenoviral vector expressing full length human mutant Survivin

Significant antitumor effect against three different tumors EL-4 lymphoma, MC-38 carcinoma, and MethA sarcoma. Only partial protection against established tumours observed


Recombinant fowl pox virus encoding human Survivin

Anti-tumour effect in mouse model of mesothelioma, improved T cell response against tumour cells


Recombinant mouse Survivin and 4IBBL as adjuvant

Prime-boost vaccination strategy was effective in eradicating 3LL lung carcinoma in 100 % of mice

[127, 128]

Recombinant modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) expressing full length mouse Survivin

Significant tumor regression and prolonged survival in murine model of pancreatic cancer


DNA vaccine encoding chemokine CCL21 and Survivin

Oral delivery of this vaccine using attenuated S. tymphimurium elicited activation of DCS and effective anti-Survivin CD8 T cells response in a murine model of pulmonary metastasis


HLA restricted Survivin peptide 2B 80–88

Phase I clinical trial in advanced urothelial patients, showed good CTL response and no adverse effects


Survivin 2B 80–88 and type I interferon

Clinical improvement in colon cancer patients


Survivin 2B peptide based vaccination

Clinical improvement in colorectal cancer/breast cancer


DPX-Survivac using HLA-I restricted Survivin epitopes

Effective anti-Survivin CTL response in ovarian cancer

Vaccine induced T cell activation against Survivin antigen

[111, 132]

Autologous dendritic cells pulsed with p53, Survivin and telomerase-derived peptides in combination with low-dose interleukin (IL)-2 and interferon (IFN)-alpha2b in phase I trial

Treatment-associated stable disease (SD) was observed in 24 % of malignant melanoma patients. SD correlated with prolonged survival suggesting a clinical benefit


EMD640744: a cocktail of five HLA class I-binding Survivin peptides in Montanide (®) ISA 51 VG in phase I trial

T-cell responses against Survivin peptides in the majority of patients with solid cancers
